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What is Vertigo? Effects and Causes of Vertigo

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What is Vertigo? Effects and Causes of Vertigo

About Vertigo

Vertigo is a symptom, not a disease itself. It's the feeling you are moving or spinning or the environment around you. This feeling can hardly be noticed or it can be so severe that you find it hard to keep your balance and perform your daily tasks.

Vertigo attacks can develop suddenly and last a few seconds, or they can take a long time. If you have severe vertigo, your symptoms can be constant and last for several days.

Other symptoms associated with vertigo may include:

  1. loss of balance – which can make it difficult to stand or walk
  2. feeling sick or being sick
  3. dizziness

Effects of Vertigo:

  1. Sense of spinning
  2. Dizziness
  3. Loss of Coordination
  4. A headache
  5. Imbalance
  6. Fatigue

Causes of Vertigo:

Vertigo is usually caused by a problem with how the balance in the inner ear works, although it can also be caused by problems in certain parts of the brain.

  1. Meniere's disease
  2. Inner ear infection
  3. Head or neck injury
  4. Stroke or tumor
  5. A headache
  6. Medicines that cause ear damage


Anyone who has vertigo or other kinds of dizziness should not drive a ladder or use it. It may be a good idea to make home adaptations to prevent falling. Slowly getting up can alleviate the problem. People should also be careful when looking up and not make sudden head changes.